My niece was diagnosed with Leukemia this week. She is 4 years old and her name is Zoey. This blog has always been about my own battle with lymphoma while pregnant. Mine and Gabbi's story. I am 9 years in remission and Gabbi is 9. We are doing great. So now, I'm dedicating my stories and updates to Zoey's Fight.This baby turns 5 tomorrow. She just had her first chemo, blood transfusions and platelets transfused. This is the sweetest little girl, the daughter of my sister Vanessa. Zoey's dad is Oscar. He's the most kind, happy, goofy, fun loving person you ever met. Vanessa loves unconditionally and gives so much of her heart to everyone. I will introduce you to them here. Follow Zoey's story here on my blog. Her fight has just started with Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia. Find it in your heart to consider a donation at their GoFundMe account.

Oh poor baby. It's sad to see at such age she is battling with such critical disease. I hope she will be recovered soon.
Thank you for your comment. She's doing well. Still fighting.
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