Monday, May 13, 2013

Gabbi Is No Longer the Baby!

No I'm not talking about me, Gabbi is my baby by far. She's 5 now, but my baby sister Vanessa had a little girl Zoey who is now just over 1 year old I believe. They moved away. I miss them so much! They came up to visit a couple of months ago. Gabbi loves her little cousin. She loves being the big girl. She wants to take care of her. I am not sure how thrilled Zoey is, but just look at that smile on Gabbi! She's healthy and growing like a weed. She will start Kindergarten this coming fall. I can't believe how time flies! It seems like yesterday I got the shocking news that I had cancer while I was pregnant. I remind her daily that she saved my life and that we beat cancer together.

Mother's day serves as another reminder of all we went through. You can ask Gabbi now and she can tell you in her own little Gabbi way, how we beat cancer together.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, she's really growing up. I remember right after you first had her. They do grow up fast and I'm so happy she's doing well. She is a cutie pie too.

    Have a terrific day. ☺


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