Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Technically Four Years

So I have always considered my date of remission the day they called and told me that I was cancer free after my PET scan. Well I discussed with my Oncologist at my last appointment that they consider remission the day of your last treatment, not including radiation. I am not sure why. This would mean my remission date is October 22nd and would make me technically four years in remission. This also means that as of this next October I will be going to my doctor every 6 months instead of every 3 for checkups. I still consider that day that I heard my doctor say there was NO cancer the day I was free from it. That was the day I knew it was gone. I'll be glad to be considered 5 years out in October and the fear of it ever coming back is minimal. I will miss seeing my doctor and nurses so often though. They are like family to me.

I still have to take NCLEX. Please send prayers my way! Things are really moving for me. Thanks for all the love and support all of these years since I began blogging!


  1. My prayers to you, definitely.

    I bet it's gonna be a clean bill of health for you come this October too. :)

  2. That's great news! Your story has certainly been very inspiring. Praying for your continued cancer-free state. :)

  3. Its really good news that you from cancer free.I admire your writing skills.Wish you a blissful life.I hope in this year,all your wishes will come true.

  4. how blessed you are. The fact that you carried your baby to term tells a lot about your strong faith. My mom is also a cancer survivor...she was diagnosed with Brast Ca, 34 years ago. She is now 77. At that time, I was only a medical student but our experience with my brother's accident and my mom's cancer taught me how to be a conscientious and compassionate doctor. God be with you and your family always!

  5. I will pray for you, I have a good feeling your going to be free of it the rest of your life. You have such a strong and beautiful spirit Sandy. Your strength has made you are a fighter, a survivor that has also inspired so many others! Thank you for always being so brave and sharing your story. I'm so glad our paths have crossed in this life :)

  6. Thanks for the comments. :) I am glad our paths crossed to Janet. Merlmd I believe my experiences definitely will help me to be a better nurse. If nothing I believe it has absolutely helped me to be more compassionate. Thank you for your kind words :)

  7. good luck on your nclex! You will make it and the medical world will be a better place because of you.

  8. Loving thoughts and prayers for you, keep on fighting! Hugs! :)

  9. I know this comment is so late because you posted this a while back, but I'll keep you in my prayers! :) And god bless you for sharing with us your story and real life journey.


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