Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Maybe Germs are Loving this Mild Winter?

There is so much sickness going around where we live right now! Central Illinois has been experiencing some wonderful temps for the end of January. I am used to Illinois winters. I am sick of the snow and was not ready for it this year. Last year we had so much of it starting in November and it kept going. We had one storm that literally left one open lane of traffic and 15 foot walls of snow on either side. I wouldn't drive in that. If a car came the other way, what then? Ha!

So this year I kept hearing it would be a bad winter again. I got grumpy and hoped everyone would be wrong. So far? They are wrong. This time of year I'm usually convincing myself it's almost February! Winter will be over soon. Maybe it will warm up a little in March? Well my thermostat read 62 yesterday. 62 in January!!! I'm used to negative temperatures in January! I mean at least in the low teens. So everyone is getting sick. I know a lady who worked at an after hours doctor's office and out of the 8 strep tests she did only one of them was negative. That is a lot of strep! My girls are no exception. Gabbi has been sick with a bad cough. We all lost our voices and have been battling a cold. Mikayla started to get better then got worse again so I figured I better take her in. She has laryngitis, bronchitis and strep throat. She's happy about no school for a few days though.

I think these warm temps are a great breeding ground for the germs usually going around this time of year anyway. Now nothing is stopping them. My throat feels a bit scratchy at the moment. Not sure if I should worry...or not. I did expect some snow this winter. We have had a bit, but not much. Certainly nothing to be concerned about. I keep wondering if the winter will go out like a lion since it came in like a lamb. That's how it works I think!

1 comment:

  1. Can't help but laugh about the comics. But seriously, you're right, people must take extra precautions and preventive measures as it seems we'll experience bad winter.


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