Monday, October 24, 2011

So What's up With Entrecard?

My widget has not been working and I keep getting errors. Now I go to campaign on the website and it is not finding widgets on anyone's blog. I need details! Thanks to all of those entrecard bloggers for any replies! I want to know as well when it might be fixed.


  1. Whatever the problem is, the people at Entrecard aren't making much effort to fix it... No-one even acknowledges the problem when I report it... It Entrecard a ghost ship?

  2. It doesn't seem to be getting any better... :-( I can't buy ads because every blog is marked "no widget" and the widgets are failing to load properly :-(

  3. I noticed. I am so frustrated. It seems like no one is caring at all.

  4. Hi Sandi, I live in the UK, and have been through a similar experience to yours - was diagnosed with breast cancer at 35 weeks pregnant. My son was born by cesarian the day after diagnosis, and I underwent chemo, surgery and radiotherapy over the next 12 months. We are both fine now, luckily. I am now in the process of becoming a counselling psychologist and want to do research on the experiences of women who find themselves in this situation, in order to develop counselling and support services in this country... I have set up a Facebook page a bit like yours (with the future purpose of doing a survey there) - perhaps we can link the pages in some way - or perhaps you would write a few words on mine and I'll do the same on yours - the more the better I feel... all the best... Janne (facebook Pregnant With Cancer)


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