Monday, July 18, 2011


OK I had decided to remove the captcha things again because after all, who wants to type in a bunch of little letters to confirm your comment right? I figured it would increase the comments on this blog. All it did was increase my spam. I get so many at night it is not even funny. Blogger does seem to catch a lot but I still get them all in my email. I am beyond irritated. I want to make this blog easier for my genuine readers but this isn't a place to just promote your product. Back to the captchas. Sorry folks. And phhhhhhhhbbbbbt to the spambots!


  1. I agree, spambots are a pain in the butt. Lately, I've been getting some that leave a list of links. Takes up half a page with their garbage.

    I don't know the solution.

    Have a great spam free day!

  2. I'm having the same problem with my blog. It's only 3 weeks old and I got about 50 to date. It's really annoying. I suppose I should try captcha too. I hope it works


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