Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cancer Checkup Number.....What?

I forgot! I don't remember anymore how many follow ups I have had. The first year was the hardest. Each check up I was terrified. I had nightmares. I don't anymore. I even have to have my husband tell the doctor any issues I may have dealt with because I forget or just don't think it's something to worry about. It's probably good he comes with me. I let a lot of things go I suppose. They do say nurses are the worst patients. I have forgotten though how many follow ups I have had. I know I am in my 3rd year of remission. At 5 years I'll just go every 6 months for checkups instead of every 3.

I have been exhausted lately. School is killing me I swear. I will be done with this semester in 3 weeks. Hopefully I'll get a much needed break. I need rest! It's hard and wearing me down but I'll get there. I have to keep my eye on the finish line.


  1. I'm sure it's a good thing that you don't anguish over follow up visits anymore.
    And it's a great thing that LIFE goes on. Being tired from studying so hard while you are a wife and mother is NORMAL. And isn't that just fine!

  2. Yes I guess the checkup number is countless.I don't even remember the exact number of time I went for the checkup.I guess it will be more than 100. whatever but I liked that something like this is discussed,it reminds me of those terrible days.Nice post.


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