Thursday, November 11, 2010

Three Years Old, Three Years in Remission (Almost)

Gabriella's birthday is almost here. On November 17th she will celebrate her third birthday. She is getting so big! If you go back to the beginning of my blog after I first discovered my pregnancy you'll see why I say it with such disbelief! She's my little miracle. She's full of energy and such a happy little girl. Spend one day with her and you'll want to have a little girl, even if you never thought you wanted kids before!

Gabbi is such a happy girl. She was an unexpected blessing to our family. We hadn't really planned on having more children. Yet there I was pregnant and then shortly after diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I was told to have a therapeutic abortion. Regardless of your beliefs on that (because it's not the focus of my story) is that I couldn't do that. I knew there was no harm to me in continuing with the pregnancy and I would accept her however she was. I couldn't do that based on "unknowns". That was all it was. They didn't know what could happen. They weren't sure if anything would happen. They thought it might be better for me mentally. Obviously they don't know me. I think I could have survived but couldn't have lived after something like that.

So here we are almost celebrating her third birthday. I had chemotherapy during my pregnancy. I started at just 10 weeks along. I finished my last chemo about 3 weeks before she was born. She was born healthy and perfect in every way. I thank God for blessing me with this beautiful little girl. I love her to pieces! She's my sweet little miracle and as much a cancer survivor as I am. I will celebrate three years in remission on February 8th, 2011. I had radiation after her birth and a PET scan after that in which I found out I was all clear of that nasty cancer. It has never come back and here I sit thinking about all my blessings. It's a good month for her birthday. Thanksgiving is coming up and her birthday is just a week away. I am so thankful for my little lady! :)


  1. She's a doll. Happy birthday to your little princess!

  2. Now that's a little girl who looks like her mom! While every child is a blessing I can see where this one is a special one.

  3. She is Adorable! I'm a new follower!
    what an amazing deal you've fought through! Congrats!

  4. Hi Sandra, she's a little you. Happy birthday to her in advance. God bless you and your family. - Toni

  5. Welcome to my blog Amy! :) Thank you very much. And Tony I keep hearing that. I absolutely love that she looks like me. All my other girls resemble their dad! haha :) Thank you.

  6. Your Baby girl is so sweet..I read your heartfelt..You are amazing...


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