Monday, October 25, 2010

HOPE Video Diary Part I

Here is a video diary from a woman I met online, Liz, who also was diagnosed with cancer while pregnant. It's NOT unheard of. It DOES happen and it doesn't mean the end for your baby or you!


  1. very nice video and I hope that she can recover.

  2. I should have pointed out that this video is not new. She has several parts that she is adding one at a time but she is better now. :) I will post the other parts as soon as I get them.

  3. Cancer is scary enough without being pregnant with it to boot. I can't imagine the thoughts you and other women go through when this has occurred.

  4. Thank you for doing this Sandi!! I have part II up, but I can't post from work, so you'll get it this afternoon. I'll also upload part III this afternoon and hopefully post before tonight. :) I appreciate your support. Together we are strong and will help so many others. Your blog keeps us all HOPEFUL!

  5. Thank you for doing this Sandi!! I have part II up, but I can't post from work, so you'll get it this afternoon. I'll also upload part III this afternoon and hopefully post before tonight. :) I appreciate your support. Together we are strong and will help so many others. Your blog keeps us all HOPEFUL!


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