Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring Break!

The sickness passed, everyone is healthy again thank goodness. Tomorrow I have a huge proficiency in health, which I am currently studying for, then it's spring break for me. I am so anxious. I seriously need this break. I will savor each day.

My next 3 month follow up is the 16th. I'll be seeing my doc and getting the very important checkup that tells me that nasty cancer is still gone. Two years and going strong folks! Pray that nasty disease stays far away from me.

Like I have said before, cancer is a bully and no matter what I refuse to let it scare me anymore. It took my dad, it tried to take me and basically Gabbi too. You could say I have a personal vendetta against cancer, but then again, which one of us doesn't? I just happen to be in training now to fight it. LOL Yep. Nursing school!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your health proficiency eval, I'm sure you'll do great!

    You'll be in our prayers for a clear follow up.


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