Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Whole Family is Sick

So far the only two not throwing up are me and Angelina. Gabbi went back to daycare today after not puking all day yesterday. I thought she was better, though not eating much. She then started puking at daycare of course. What to do?

My husband picked her up, brought her home and I got home after my class. By supper time no one was feeling great. Right after supper the hubby starting throwing up, then immediately following my oldest daughter got sick. Now another daughter is sick. It's picking us off one by one!!

Tomorrow is a big day for me. I have a Pathophysiology test (which I am finding difficult to study for tonight!) and then I have a 3 hour lab. I practice for my Health Assessment proficiency. I have to know how to do a full cardiac, respiratory and abdominal exam including a Basic Exam. I have to know it all in order from start to finish. I need to go to this lab. I am kind of freaked out about the proficiency. It's so insane.

Now here's to hoping I do not catch this bug!!


  1. aww. I hope you will better now.

    just dropping by here, dropping ec and adgitizing

  2. Just keep on holdin on, God Loves You! You're a strong person, still sharing despite being sick! tnx...

  3. Hope everyone is better soon, and that you don't get sick!

  4. Yuck, it is going around here in Florida too. We have had colds, but none of the stomach ailments. I hope you don't catch it.

  5. Hi Sandi,
    I came across your blog and I quickly noticed you are in nursing school! I am 25 and in my last semester. We should talk! Do you have facebook? I could share all sorts of stuff with you! Your story is amazing. You are beautiful and a true fighter!! I seriously question how you go to nursing school and have 4 children! :)

    my e-mail is, or you can find me on facebook sarah cooper Lourdes college

    :) Hope you dont get sick!!!

  6. Aww hope everyone is ok soon, and you manage to keep it at arms length

  7. It has been about a week already. Hope that everyone is doing good now.

  8. Aww please don't catch it too. Drink lots of fresh OJ..

    Take care girl!


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