Monday, January 11, 2010

Trying For Various Scholarships

Found this one, that apparently you can all vote on. I had to pick my favorite picture that I have taken and that's that. Now I wait. So if you want to vote for my pic and help me out, go here. Thanks!!!


  1. hi sadi!

    I just moved to my new domain; from to can read my blog post here..and up for now, i am updating also my blogroll..hopin' you'd change my URL into my new domain..thankie thankie!!! :)

    aside from this, mind exlinking with my news/media blog?just ping me if ok..ill be back!!! :)

    Walking Newspaper
    Pinoy Medical Doctor
    The Latest Buzzzz

  2. I voted for you...Good luck!! I know how expensive nursing school can be. I also would like to say that I am very sorry to hear about your dad. Very tough time.


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