OK. Have any of you ever had an issue with fruit flies? It usually happens to us once a year. They are hard to get rid of. I like bananas and they really attract them. I thought they were the culprit again but no. I had a bag of potatoes in my cabinet that was stuck behind a bag of apples. I forgot about the potatoes because I didn't ever see them. Yeah you guessed it. One potato went bad and that was it. The fruit flies made themselves home.
Luckily I discovered the potatoes last night and threw them out. I scrubbed and cleaned every single crumb in my kitchen and found a little trap online for these monsters. I didn't know if it would work but it seemed worth a try.
You take a 2 liter bottle of soda and clean it out. Cut it from the top of the label off. Put some orange juice or wine or other desirable liquid and put it in the bottle. We used wine. Take the top and invert it into the bottle. Take some duct tape or masking tape around the bottle to seal it. For some reason the fruit flies can't get out. They go in after the liquid and become trapped inside. We tried it out and look what we found this morning.