Anyway back to the point of this post. She really is getting big. She seems so smart to me. She has a memory that I don't even think I have! She remembers everything and words you tell her once. She'll remember it later. Obviously only if she wants to but like bananas. I told her what they were once while feeding her one. Today while strolling through the grocery store Gabbi spotted the bananas and started yelling "Nana! Yummy!!! Nana! Yuuummmy?" So of course I bought some.
We get out to the car and I decided to give her a few bites and have a few myself. So she took a few bites and I kept reminding her to chew. She is so bad about wanting to just swallow. Of course she did and began to gag. I of course got nervous and had to pat her on the back a couple of times. It wasn't really serious just coughing for about 4 seconds. That's enough to make any mom pause and worry. Well she coughed it up and immediately, literally no breath in between motioned for the banana and screamed "Nana!!! YUMMY!!!"
"Sigh". Mom panics.....baby wants more banana. Typical.