Isn't Gabriella a cutie pie? I sure think so. We went for an early morning walk yesterday and paused on my front step. I took pics while she played in the flower bed. She loves the little rocks and throwing them.
The kids are getting ready for their second day of school. I managed to get out yesterday and pick up a couple of new backpacks for the girls. The bags are nice and they love them. I even got some good deals on new shoes. That's a relief.
My Gabbi starts daycare next week. Have I mentioned this? Well all chances of babysitters fell through. I hadn't really wanted to do this especially for only about 2 hours each morning but there was no choice. I found a really nice place. It's got a great philosophy. She will be learning and singing and doing all kinds of great educational things. In some ways now I am excited. I'll miss her for those 2 hours but she's in the same town I am in school so I'll pick her up mere minutes after I get out of class. It could be fun. We'll have tons of time together.
This all means my classes start Monday the 24th as well. I can't remember for sure if my first class is Sociology or Philosophy. It's one of those two. I am taking a Criminology course. That one really interests me. I have always enjoyed that kind of thing though and learning more about it.
We sure have come a long way since May of 2007. I went from finishing up that semester in bed to being very sick and now I am almost in Nursing College. I feel like I am already there, taking all these required courses for the program, but clinicals will be when it feels super real. I'll do things at the hospital and probably have rounds in lots of different medical areas. Actually I have no idea what is involved but I've heard different things. I am so anxious. When I tell people why I want to be a nurse I always get an amazed reaction. It's so true though. It made me realize what a very wonderful profession it is. If you need medical care, a really good nurse is something you never forget.