OK, maybe not quite the scariest thing that ever happened it itself but such a simple lesson learned. It happened a long time ago. Gabriella was about 5 months old. she slept in her bassinet next to my bed. I liked having her close so I could check on her a lot.
I trimmed her nails often but they grow fast. One day I noticed they were a little long. I figured I would trim them the next day. Trimming baby nails is so difficult because you don't want to hurt them. I was never anxious to do it. My hubby hated even watching me do it. You do it so they don't scratch themselves.
Well it was about 2 or 3 a.m. and Gabbi woke up crying for a bottle. I always left my TV on with no volume for light. I wanted to be able to see her in the dark as well. I looked over at her and saw something on her face. It was dark and hard to see and I was half asleep so I blinked my eyes and tried to focus on what it was. Then I noticed something on her cheeks, forehead, nose. I realized it was blood. Yes...blood smeared on her face. I grabbed her and ran out to my kitchen and flipped on the light. It wasn't a ton of blood, just small amounts smeared on her face like she had bled somewhere and rubbed it as babies tend to rub their eyes, face and mouth. I tried not to panic and figured I had to find the source. So I wiped her down and saw it. The tiniest little scratch on her nose. She had cut herself with her fingernail in the night. She scraped a piece of skin off her nose. It bled just enough so that when she rubbed her hands on her face she just smeared it everywhere. It looks like a whole lot of blood when it's smeared but in reality it wasn't that much. I felt so so so bad and immediately trimmed the nails that were honestly not *that* long. I would have trimmed them sooner if I had thought they could really cut her.
So here is a lesson to all. Keep babies nails trimmed! Don't delay...don't put it off, don't think I can do it tomorrow. Who knew fingernails could cause such a panic? haha