The shampoo was great, but the conditioner just didn't seem to do the trick. It was good, but not great. It didn't *fix* my hair at all. So I went out and got a new conditioner. It was more serious this time. I started using Redken Real Control Intense Renewal.

That was awesome. I love it and have been using it faithfully. My hair changed a lot. It's softer, smoother and stronger now. I have used it a lot the past few months and I have heard hair will only get so much from a product so I thought it was time yet again for a switch. This time I am using Redken Extreme. I just need some good stuff to stop breakage, and smooth out the frizz!

I have used it a few times and so far I like it. I am just using the shampoo and conditioner. I want to get the deep treatments but I do have to draw the line somewhere. One thing at a time! I am pleased with results. I am tired of stray hairs sticking up everywhere or broken pieces jutting off my scalp so I am anxious to fix it and grow it out! I want my hair longer. I'll let everyone know how it goes. I mean, my hair gives a whole new definition to *chemically damaged*. Ha! So if it helps mine, I bet it helps yours too!
I had a go at curling my hair yesterday and today. I don't do it often. It looks a lot shorter when I do but I think the shine is coming back. :)