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Monday, December 21, 2009

My Dad Has Cancer

I am exhausted. It's been a long day. They canceled my dad's surgery. They had done a biopsy prior to the surgery and saw that there was absolutely a malignancy and it had spread. At this point we don't know what kind. We don't know by the sample where it started, just that it is cancer. Of course the belief is that it is pancreatic. I have been at the hospital all day. He is weak and can hardly speak. He sleeps most of the time. This has been a very hard and difficult time for my whole family. My mother is barely keeping it together. I will write more later. It's time to rest for now.

Oh and because it spread the surgery was basically pointless. It couldn't save him anymore. So it's been a discouraging day, to say the least.


Posh Totty said...

Oh darling I am so sorry to hear this, I am thinking of you, your father and family at this difficult time (((hugs))) Xxxx

DJ said...

So sorry to hear this. I lost my father to cancer 12 years ago. I wish peace for you and your family.

Unknown said...

Sucks all the way around, Sandi. I have some advice if you want it. It helped me a lot...even though it doesn't make the situation magically go away.

Sandi said...

I'll take all the advice you can dish out Andy. I appreciate it. I have had a rough year. It's been trying to say the least.

Sarah70 said...

So sorry to hear about your dad Sandi. Your dad and family are in my thoughts/prayers.

maryanne said...

I'm so sorry. Your dad and you and your family are in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry to hear about this. I hope that things get better for you.

Blia said...

I am sorry to hear about this. It is awful that it has to happen during this time of the year.

LADY ANDIE said...

Sorry for your troubles. My prayers are with you and your family.

Mommy Liz said...

I know how you feel, it's hard to accept the fact that he will be going soon. I lost my dad to colon cancer 5 years ago and it was the hardest days of my life. I cannot say anything that will make you feel better. I just wish peace for you and your family.

Mel at Adventures of Mel said...

Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. Please know you all are in my prayers.

Lynne said...

My thoughts and prayers are with your family and, especially your dad. He has been fighting so hard and I'm sure that was extremely difficult news to receive.

Ori said...

I'm very sorry to hear this.
Last year, also started around Christmas times my Mom had to go in and out the hospital ER and ICU many times, it was really a tough and devastating time.
My Mom is healthy now -thanks to Jesus-, but I know how it feels, but keep praying, praying for his best to God.

I'll pray for your Dad and the whole family.

Hitesh Rawat said...

oohh.....this was pretty bad....hope you hear some good news about surgery......i don't know what else to say....but my best wishes ....for your dad.....

benbes said...

sorry to hear that, and my prayers to your dad.
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