Monday, August 24, 2009

A Better Day

I think my day is beginning to get brighter. I was feeling so down earlier. If you all could only understand how important it is to me to be the best at what I do or at least try my very best. I can accept limits in my abilities but I have to TRY my hardest. Well missing my first day was discouraging to say the least. I have decided until the construction lightens up a bit I am just going to leave earlier. I had told the daycare Gabbi would be there at 8:30 a.m. and I guess I worry about her getting there too early...but I have to account for possible time lost due to construction. Hopefully they will be ok with this. I think they will.

Anyway after I wrote my last blog post I got a couple of great e-mails. One of them was from They had written me before about my story which I found wonderful. They wanted to tell me they had added a link to my blog on their site. Their site they said gets about 800,000 hits a month. All I could do was just gasp. Wow. This is wonderful and surely will increase traffic here and help to tell our story.

I was asked in a comment recently why I did not have Gabriella in my Entrecard ad. (For those who know what that is) I have a very good answer for that. I was only a few weeks pregnant when I started this blog. It was about me being pregnant with cancer. My blog still tells that story but it goes beyond it. I kept the same basic ad throughout my use of Entrecard because I want everyone to still recognize my blog from that site. I could update it at some point though. Gabriella is a cutie pie for sure and now our story is about her growing up and me being in remission.

I have a post that I have been thinking about writing. I don't think I have written much about my experience with my radiation treatments. I have noticed they are different for everyone so I will be sure to post my full experience with that soon.


  1. Just wanted to stop by and say "hi"! I am sorry that you had a bad day :( I hope your day is better today! Big HUGS!

  2. I'm glad you are having a better day Sandi. :)

  3. How wonderful to have a link from! That would certainly brighten your day. And yes, you obviously need to leave home earlier to get to school in good time. Cheer up, and have another good day.

  4. I'm glad to hear you're having a better day too!!

    That's awesome news about you getting linked up with a site that large. Congratulations!!

    I hope you have a good night!!:-))))

  5. Hi, Sandi!
    Long time no comment. Sorry!

    A young mom with 4 kids is allowed to feel stressed and blue from time to time. I hope you can get some rest and that the days are brighter!

    It's good to be the best you can be, but it's too easy to have unrealistic expectations, especially if you are a perfectionist. Be careful. Take note of all you do accomplish.

    I'll be grateful for your year and a half in remission!


  6. I'm so glad to hear of better days:)


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