I want to give a big huge Happy Mother's Day to all those mom's out there today. I will be taking it easy as I believe you all should too! My hubby is trying desperately to get our gas grill to work. It was fine. We have used it many times. The gas ran out so we bought some. Then it was leaking. We bought the part we needed and now we are having more difficulty. I have steak! I have brats and hot dogs and all kinds of good things to fatten me up. Wish us luck at getting this fixed soon!
Be careful! Don't make the gas go BOOM!
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mothers Day!
Happy Mothers Day Sandi. :)
Happy Mothers Day! Hope you had a good one! :)
Happy mother's day to you.
By the way, care for link exchange ?
Ha Ha I love the comic. I left mine at the cleaners, probably why my house looks like a hurricane came through. Happy Mothers Day.
There's nothing worse than having all that great food and a dysfunctional grill. Grr
Happy mothers' day to US!
HAve a great week ahead!
Happy mothers Day Sandi
Belated happy mom's day! I hope the grill eventually got fixed instead of ruining the rest of your day :)
Hey, I need a cape like that!
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