Thursday, April 9, 2009

So Thankful for What I Have

I really am thankful for my health and the fact that I wake up in the morning and get my Gabriella out of bed and am able to spend the day with her. I had mentioned previously that I know at least two other mothers online who were pregnant with cancer. One of those mothers has undergone a stem cell transplant. She has been posting how excited she was at the thought of being able to spend some time with her daughter (who is younger than Gabbi). She is under lock and key to prevent infection right now. She had been denied any time to see her daughter due to a fever from the way I understand her posts. Yesterday I logged on to see her status set to how happy she was because she got to finally spend the day with her baby girl. It brought tears to my eyes. I cannot imagine not being able to spend my days with Gabbi.

I could not imagine having to spend weeks in isolation in the hospital away from my children. It's easy to sit around and think of the what ifs and the fears involved if it came back. When you really sit back and think about it though, that is just inviting trouble. I think you have to enjoy today and quit worrying about tomorrow. Otherwise you aren't ever really enjoying today. I think it's easy to take the small things for granted. My thoughts and prayers are with my online friend. I hope she's home with her daughter very soon.


  1. Your story is very touching.
    I wish you good health and other great things!

  2. Hi Sandy.
    Many of us don´t appreciate enough little things...
    I totally agree with you: "I think you have to enjoy today and quit worrying about tomorrow".
    Happy Easter Holidays xx

  3. Treasure the present moment and forget the uncertain future. Take things one at a time. Isn't life wonderful with the present of the Almighty God in our life?

  4. I think it's the little things in life that keep most of us "alive." I have chronic depression and I think it is all the small things, especially my children who keep me alive.

    P.S. I have an an award waiting for you at my blog. Love your site!!

  5. I hope that your friend is doing better today too!
    Sometimes it is hard to just breathe and enjoy life isn't it??

  6. I found your blog through EC and am so glad you choose to advertise on my blog. You have an amzing outlook on life and I wish you continred health and loads of time with your baby!

  7. Hi Friend.. Interesting post.. Do keep up the good work.. Visit my blog and post your comments.. Take care.. Cheers mate!!!

  8. Your blog moved me a lot. You are doing great, continue !! :) Best wishes!!

  9. It is easy to take the little things for granted. Yet when we look back on our lives, it is the little things that made them worth living. Keep hanging in there.

    Thanks for the tag, I just haven't had a chance to do much with it. It has been a very hectic time. Art

  10. What a gift! Take it and run! Girl, you absolutely "rock"! ~Nards~


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