The shampoo was great, but the conditioner just didn't seem to do the trick. It was good, but not great. It didn't *fix* my hair at all. So I went out and got a new conditioner. It was more serious this time. I started using Redken Real Control Intense Renewal.

That was awesome. I love it and have been using it faithfully. My hair changed a lot. It's softer, smoother and stronger now. I have used it a lot the past few months and I have heard hair will only get so much from a product so I thought it was time yet again for a switch. This time I am using Redken Extreme. I just need some good stuff to stop breakage, and smooth out the frizz!

I have used it a few times and so far I like it. I am just using the shampoo and conditioner. I want to get the deep treatments but I do have to draw the line somewhere. One thing at a time! I am pleased with results. I am tired of stray hairs sticking up everywhere or broken pieces jutting off my scalp so I am anxious to fix it and grow it out! I want my hair longer. I'll let everyone know how it goes. I mean, my hair gives a whole new definition to *chemically damaged*. Ha! So if it helps mine, I bet it helps yours too!
I had a go at curling my hair yesterday and today. I don't do it often. It looks a lot shorter when I do but I think the shine is coming back. :)

Chemotherapy in the human body will be harmed. Especially the hair will be subject to greater harm. See you introduce these products for cancer patients I am really pleased with. Thank you.
The hair is looking good Sandi!! I love the curls.
Your hair looks great in those pictures!
Your hair is beautiful honey.
Have a terrific weekend. :)
I will recommend this to my cousine, she's having chemo for her breast cancer (stage 4).
Btw yor hair looks fab and you look like just in early 20's, wouldn't guess that you're 33 if I didn't read in on your profile.
Take care!!
I love your hair curly!
Wow Sandi you look fabulous. Your hair looks so shinny and alive. Your very stunning here.
Pantene is the best shampoo/conditioner I've ever tried and always use, all the other seem to be the same.
I'm sure you've tried, but thought I would mention in case you hadn't.
Your hair looks gorgeous! I wish I could make my naturally curly hair look like that!
Wow! You look GREAT! Your blog is very niced to read, thank you.
You look great. I love your positive spirit and you make me smile!
Hi Sandi i have something for you at my site. Please swing by and check it out. Thanks
You look amazing! So glad you are doing so well after all you have been through. You are an inspiration to so many keep up the good work!
I love the way those Redken lines smell! I switch between those and Tresemme. Your hair looks gorgeous, and I love the curls!
I think your hair looks wonderful!!
I love Anti-Snap by Redken. It works great! You look so pretty!
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