Monday, February 2, 2009

Back Home and Settling In

I have been working to get things organized today and still need to get showered and feed baby some lunch but I am getting back into the flow of day to day life. The girls are off at school and hubby is off at work. I am doing laundry and cleaning and putting things away. I still need to run the vacuum but seriously, why bother until everything is put away? Or at least that is my reasoning. It's getting there.

I have a lot of pics that I'll upload to village photos and share later today. I have some things to do before I get to that. I want to thank all those entrecard droppers who dropped me even though I was not around every day to drop back. Thanks a million!!!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home. I'm glad you had a great trip. Now comes the laundry and putting everything back where it belongs. You will have it squared away in now time.

    Enjoy being home. Big hug. :)


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