Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to My Little Girl!!!

It is finally here! Gabriella turns one today. I love my baby girl! My little lady has grown so much. She's a big girl and has made such an impact on the lives of everyone in our family. We love you Gabbi! Happy Birthday my sweetie!

Yesterday we decided to let her open ONE present for practice. hee Maybe we just couldn't wait actually. So here she is....learning to open her very first gift.

I love this one. Her first eyes closed pic. lol


  1. She is BEAUTIFUL! Happy 1st Birthday!

    (visiting after seeing your interview on "The Neurotic Mom")

    Following In My Shoes

  2. Happy Birthday little angel...your Mommy is one brave and beautiful woman...many more joyous and healthy days!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday Dear Gabriella,
    Happy Birthday to you. :)

  4. Happy Birthday Gabriella and many, many more to come sweet baby!

  5. Happy Birthday to your beautiful Gabbi :o)

  6. Happy Birthday!! What a beautiful girl!

  7. Wow, what a beautiful little girl, and what a miraculous origin!

  8. thank you all so much for the birthday wishes! Today is just too exciting. I am spoiling her rotten. haha

  9. Happy birthday for sweet cutie Gabriella :)

    Keep up this great blog plus the great work, Sandi.

  10. Happy Birthday Dear Gabriella!!!

    (and mommy, too)

    I hope this year brings you both good health and all of the happiness in the world.

  11. Yo Gabba Gabba!


    (Wonder how I knew that?)

    Congratulations on your first birthday!

  12. Sandi - you must be so proud she is absolutely beautiful ...

    Happy Birthday to Gabriella!!!

    With all of my warmest wishes x

  13. wow. What an amazing story! I'm glad you visited my site through Entrecard so I could read your blog. :)

  14. Happy birthday to a beautiful one year old girl!

  15. Too cute!!! Check out my blog and my baby just turned 2 last Thursday and he loves yo gabba gabba!! My friend from high school, her uncle is the producer of the show so I see her kids in it from time to time, sorta fun to see her kids growing up!


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