Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Down With Procrastination

I am so bad at it. I do procrastinate. What is odd is I procrastinate the things I want to do. I get the laundry done, cook supper, clean the house. Then I sit and relax. I am working on a drawing but haven't picked it up in probably 2 months. I had my last drawing sitting on a shelf for more than a year. Obviously I was sick for a year and that had much to do with it but still. I procrastinate. I am crocheting a baby blanket. I love doing it, yet it sits. Why do we do these things? I am not really sure. I think with the drawing anyway I have to really concentrate. I have to work hard, think hard and get into the whole mood. It's hard to have 5 seconds to really focus on anything without any outside distractions. Regardless, I am going to get that drawing out tomorrow. I'd like it to be a Christmas gift for a special friend. I am also being asked to do a drawing for someone else as a Christmas gift. This one I will be paid for. It's a commission so I can't exactly put that one off. I am glad though. I need a good kick in the pants on occasion. Here are a couple examples of my work.

This was my first drawing after reading a book called How to Draw Like like Pictures from Photographs". I think that's the title. It's by Lee Hammond. If you have any basic drawing skills you can get better reading this book. You must work hard and really apply what you learn.


  1. All I can say is awesome, you are good!!!!!!!

  2. That was a great drawing! I could not have done anything close to that.

  3. Those drawings look great, you should be proud of them!

  4. wow! Those are amazing. You are truly talented:)

  5. Great works Sandi!!! Guess what?? I draw too, well I used to. I actually minored in Art. We share a lot of similarities don't we?

  6. You are very talented. You know that right? Have a great day. :)

  7. Your drawings are great! You are definitely talented.

  8. wow! these paintings are great!!!

  9. You are really talented and could make some good money with your drawings.

  10. Those are great. I can hardly draw a circle.

  11. thank you all for the compliments. I really appreciate it. I have tried really hard to get better over the years. So I am glad that my work is appreciated :)

  12. strong and talented. you are one gifted woman.


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