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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Today is the Day!

My third three month follow up is today. I have been in remission since February 2007. I go every 3 months to make sure I still am! I get so nervous around these times and this time has been no exception. I have read you have to be Hodgkin's free for 5 years to be considered *cured*. At this point I am in remission. As I said I still have pressure in my veins but not on a regular basis. I hate that feeling and plan on talking to the doc. I think it may be due to all the scar tissue in my body. I know the tumor was wrapped around the veins going up into my neck. They couldn't remove anything surgically. The doc said I would always have scar tissue in there. He said no x-ray or scan would ever look *normal* for me. That's always nice to know. haha Anyway it's a pretty long drive. About 4 hours one way. So I'll be leaving around 11 a.m. I think for a cancer survivor it's really scary to say "I beat it." It's hard because you just can't believe it and yes you don't want to tempt fate. It sounds so wrong, I know. I am definitely MORE nervous now than I was when I was sick. When you are sick though, you have doctors everywhere helping you, listening to you. You are getting treatment all the time, being checked frequently. Then, all the sudden, it's quiet. You aren't seeing any more doctors. You go every 3 months and in between then, it's just you. It's scary. It definitely takes some getting used to! Since I was pregnant during it all I cannot explain to you how many doctors I had. I was being checked all the time for something! Think of me today! :)


Lyla said...

Good luck with your appointment. A friend of mine had Hodgkins and was diagnosed when her newborn baby was only ten days old. He was her fifth child. That "baby" is four years old now and my friend is doing great.

Jeanne Elle said...

Good luck :-) :-) A lady I worked with had it too... that was over 12 years ago and she's fine now. Hang in there :-)

Anonymous said...

Prayers and blessings to you on this day.

Sandee said...

Good thoughts coming your way. You can do this. Five years and you'll be done with all this. You can do this. Big hug. :)

Svr said...

I've been thinking about you all day! Wish you'd come home already and post about it! Lol, that's when that drive totally bites huh?

Anonymous said...

Good luck! I really hope everything goes well for you.