Friday, October 17, 2008

Remember the Cheerleading I Mentioned?

My daughter is in the green shirt on the left. She's my oldest Lexi.

My girls did their cheer tonight along with a dance. The dances were so adorable. You can view them here. I went to the football game with the girls alone since hubby's grandpa passed away this week. He's away to attend the funeral. The girls were great and had such a good time. It was so cold though!! I apologize for the camera jiggling everywhere and how it blurs. I don't know why...I am no camera pro so I can't seem to focus when I zoom in. I need to talk to someone who knows cameras! Gabbi kept smacking me and pulling my hair too. I had to hold her because she was yelling at me. Juggling her on a hip and trying to record is not easy. :)

Gonna include links since it doesn't seem to be embedding.

Do You Believe in Magic

Itsy Bitsy Teen Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

And for a couple of pics:

I'll link so it reduces page load time.

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