Tuesday, October 7, 2008

OK. Super Confusion Has Set In.

Now I see the comment thing on THIS post, but not on like the past 5. I hope it continues to work because I am a little beyond irritated here. haha I like getting comments, knowing this is getting read and being seen. I got an e-mail from someone letting me know they could not comment. If not for that, who knows how long it would have before I noticed!! Maybe I did something right. I wish I could fix the old posts though :(


  1. well, I did see a button that said something about no comments on new posts. That has to be it. What does not make sense though is I do NOT mess with that page. Ever. It's a totally different page then my *new post* page. So it changed itself or something. lol I don't know. Just glad it seems to be working now!

  2. Funny you should mention that, I came by yesterday and wanted to comment on something but saw that there wasn't a comment button. I figured you didn't care to hear strange people's input on your site! Glad to see you do.

  3. I love comments! I live for them! lol I am now wondering how many people this has happened to. =/

  4. Happy to be able to comment today :) I enjoy reading your blog!

  5. Found my way to your Blog through my travels tonight! Congratulations on being Cancer free and being a beautiful wife and mother of four beautiful children! Wow - what a scary journey you had. As I read thru some of your posts, I could feel how brave you truly were, even though some days it was hard! I am a 50ish Diva Mom :))with an awesome husband and 2 beautiful kids who are now 28 & 30 ~ and this month I am a 3 yr. cancer survivor! I was diagnosed with a very rare, subglottal tumor below and on my voice box. They treated it as an advanced cancer due to the uncertainty. Did 7 weeks of daily radiation along with Chemo once a week during that 7 weeks. Lots of scans, pet scans etc these last 3 years - I go every 3 months for check-ups - will graduate to every 4 months on January 1st - WooHoo - Life is Good! Strength, courage and hope every day ~ Keep the faith! Keeping the fear at Bay is always the hardest. But filling our lives with family, friends and all the things we love makes it all bearable! I wish you and your family all good things and will send the good Karma your way!

  6. Hey there. I found your blog on probloggerforum.net. Congrats on beating cancer. Your blog has become one of my favorites, and I will be a regular reader from now on!

  7. If your ever looking for really good help with Blogger...checkout bloggerbuster.com if you haven't already...No it's not mine

    Your hair by the way looks great...very Marilyn Monroe.

    I had an Alaskan Malamute, was a real nice pet...except around other dogs :(

  8. I'll check out that site! Thanks. Yeah my dog gets really excited around other dogs. She does NOT do well around cats or other small animals. Thanks for the hair compliment. :)


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