Friday, October 31, 2008

A New Day, New Stress

I picked up my girls from school yesterday and headed off to the costume store to buy my costume. I was meeting up with the hubby after he got off work. He was late so we started browsing around the store. Not much jumped out at me so I was feeling discouraged. I had to hold Gabbi and she is no little baby. She is a good 23 pounds. She's a chunky girl. My sides were aching. I didn't care for Lexi holding her for too long because then she got tired out and Gabbi would start to fuss.

Finally I saw a special section in the back of the store with a lot of women's costumes but you had to ask a clerk to get it. I saw a cute ladybug costume and even some shoes to go with it and just got crazy. I decided to get it. I had 3 older whining kids beggging for everything and a fussy baby on my hip. I needed to get something and get out of there. On top of that we all needed to use the restroom and they had none at this store.

Hubby finally showed up and picked out his costume. I never tried mine on because the size small said it was for a size 2-6 which I generally wear a 1 or a 2. I figured that it should work just fine.

Big mistake.

I got home and proceeded to put on the top portion of this costume which is a corset type thing. There is a black shield under the front to cover things. It didn't cover my stomach yet on the box it shows a girl with her tummy totally covered. This thing was riding up. I was trying to tie this corset thing tight but then all the sides started to buckle and crunch up. If I loosened it up then you could see through the middle. The skirt came up too high and it was missing the choker so you could attach the wings. The store doesn't take I am going to have to go in and ask about the choker for a costume I won't be wearing. It's not going to do me much good though. Oh the red bloomers they came with are about 18 sizes too big. I look like I'm wearing a giant red diaper. So yeah that won't be happening.

So. Off to the store again. This time I'll be trying it on.



  1. Honestly I've had the same problems with costumes. Figuring out the sizing is like rocket science.

  2. Good luck on finding something that fits. I also have a terrible time with this. Either way too big or way too small. In any event Happy Halloween to you and yours. :)

  3. hopped on your blog today... from the header itself, i salute you... what an inspring woman you are :)


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