Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Other Family Member

I never knew how fast I could run until I got a Siberian Husky. Well we assume she's Siberian. We adopted her 3 years ago from PAWS. Her tag said Husky. She has the most gorgeous sea blue eyes and a beautiful curling tail. Why did I have to run fast? Well she's also an escape artist. I never had any idea how fast a dog could run until you see nothing more than a fuzzy black and white blur zip past you. Yes, she likes to escape. The first time I found this out was right after we first got her. I took it as a personal insult at the time. I figured she didn't like it at our house. After all we had rescued her! Why would she run? haha I had opened the back door to my house, not really even thinking about it and she took that opportunity to fly out the back door. We at the time lived directly in front of horse stables. She terrified those poor horses. She played and ran and got covered in horse manure. She finally came home 3 hours later to the sound of her squeaky toys. She has since done this oh about 10 to 15 times. She did it a lot when guests would come over unfortunately. She was a 100% inside dog at the time. Oh I should also mention she sheds. Very very badly. Huge clumps of falling fur. That's another story. Anyway we moved in February and this house came complete with a giant kennel that attaches to the house. It leads into the garage. She gets much more fresh air and since we have a fully fenced in back yard? She can run and play now zipping around as much as she wants. I love it! She's a good dog but a fast one. I used to grab her leash and drive around searching for her. I am definitely ready to say goodbye to those days! Here's my little devil in disguise. Her name is Sasha. ;)


  1. She IS beautiful. We have chihuahuas and one of them likes to explore the neighborhood. We've had our fair share of calls about our "sweet little dog that wandered into our [neighbors] yard. He's just sitting her on the couch letting us love and pet on him." He's just too social to be cooped up. LOL

  2. What a gorgous dog. When we adopted my dog, were told he was an escape artist and his previous owners just couldn't deal with him. He has only escaped from us once. He actually jumped out a 2nd story window after pushing the screen out. Ok...not exactly something we could have predicted LOL. Thankfully he was fine. He is part husky.

  3. Sasha is a beautiful, beautiful dog!

  4. Oh my Audrey! Jumped out the window?? No..I wouldn't have predicted it. I fell in love with Sasha the second I saw her at PAWS. I knew I wanted her. She may run, but I'll always find her if she does! She's here forever. Other than running away she is suuuuch a good dog. She is so loveable and happy. She'll lick you all over. haha I definitely don't keep her cooped up Dorsey. She does love her kennel because it's soooo big. It even has a huge tree right in the middle for shade. We let her out and roam the back yard and she comes in sometimes too. She's just not in 100% of the time anymore. It's better for her since she loves to run so much. :) I did think about getting a little dog someday. Maybe once my kids are out of the house. I'll need a new baby then. haha

  5. Don't you love the shedding...and yes they love to run and run and...

    This is a good blog, I'm glad I found it...I've been reading the other posts too.

  6. Oh the shedding is so much fun. I like getting the "rake" comb to brush her with. It gets at the undercoat. It's a never ending process. I always joke she sheds at least one small dog per day. haha And thank you for the compliment!


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