Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Husband's Grandfather

We knew he wasn't doing very well this past year. He was forgetting things. I am not positive what his age was, but it was around 80. They called yesterday and said they were moving him to Hospice. I just got the call that he passed away before they could get him there. This is my father-in-law's dad. He lost his mom a few years ago so he's feeling pretty upset of course. My mother-in-law's dad passed away just days before Christmas last year. My husband has lost the last of his grandfather's so please remember him, his dad and all their family during this hard time. I don't know how we'll financially be able to afford to go to the funeral as they lived quite a ways away.


  1. They are all in my thoughts and prayers honey. Big hug. :)

  2. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

  3. You're all in my thought and prayers. Take care of yourselves!


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