Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Best Friend, My Sister

Looking through pics again. Here is a pic taken at Christmas with my sister Cindi. Yes, we are Cindi and Sandi. She is the younger one. haha Gabbi was around a month old here.

oh my, the red eye is scary. There is that big black radiation X again. I totally didn't notice it first. You can see the biopsy scar right next to it.


  1. Congrats on everything. This is my first time visiting the blog but very cool and I'm sure helpful and inspiring to many. My brother and his wife just had their second baby, and I see all of the stress and pressure without the worry of cancer so I cannot imagine. Hats off to you and your family.

  2. You know what? I'm positively sure the baby is smiling along too. There. See the crease at the corners of the mouth? I enjoyed reading your blog and the baby pic takes the crown!!

  3. Sisters are indeed very special. My sister and I are best friends as well. Have a great rest of the week and weekend. It's off to the boat for us. Big hug. :)

  4. What a pretty picture, I love your blog, it is quite inspiring.


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