Monday, October 13, 2008

I Found Her Page....

I found this website....for a fellow Hodgkin's patient, who did not make it. Oh I may be selfish but I hate it when this happens. I get so depressed and more worried about my cancer returning. The doctors were wrong so many times and that's when I get scared, when I think about that. I also see stories like this, and it scares me more. I must have faith though. I must not think like that. I am so sorry for her. I am so sorry for her family. I read her story and I know what she felt. I will let her tell her story as she did write on her blog here Alese Coco Fight 2 Win

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I just found your blog through Entrecard. Thank you for posting this link to the lady who didn't make it...I'm going to go read it after I leave this. I'm a mom of three and can only imagine the struggle and fear you must have gone through (and still go through). You and your family are in my prayers. God bless!


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