Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Feels Like Saturday

Well the kids didn't have school today because of Parent/Teach conferences. I am glad because Gabriella has caught my cold. She's not feeling well at all. I was awoken at around 4 a.m. and then again at 6 and never went back to sleep at all. I assume she has a sore throat because I did. Now she has a low grade fever. Poor baby. I am still not feeling too great but it's that time of year. I hope Gabbi feels better soon! I keep convincing myself it's Saturday then remember no, it's still Friday! We have another football game tonight. Tonight is the last game, then playoffs. I'm proud of our team as we are still undefeated!


  1. i hope gabriella is feeling better now. it's really hard when kids get sick.

    take care.

  2. It's our last game too! I so wanted to go to at least one of them. I may pack everyone up and go after half-time when its FREE!! I hope you both feel better!


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