Saturday, October 25, 2008

Falling Leaves and Falling Temperatures

Yes Fall is in full swing right now. The leaves continue to fall. I will post updated pics probably tomorrow. I see some yellows and purples now in what were once green leaves. I find it so beautiful. I do enjoy the fall but along with it comes allergies. Ragweed is a nasty little weed this time of year. I do enjoy the chill in the air and the crunch of the leaves under my feet though. I am not really a huge fan of cold weather but until it gets to be around 20 degrees I am ok. I do enjoy a good snow sitting on the couch with a warm cup of hot chocolate and a good book. :) What is your favorite season?

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  1. I love fall too. It is by far my favourite time of the year. The colours are spectacular, aren't they?

  2. I'd have to say spring. Something about the smell in the air.


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