I like to get my daughters involved in some extracurricular activites. Last week the high school cheeleaders sent a paper home to my girls saying they could practice for 2 days with the cheerleaders to learn a routine and perform during halftime on Friday's game. My girls BEGGED me to do it so I let them. They'll get a t-shirt and the joy of performing. I hope they don't get stage fright. haha They do think they are so incredibly cool though. I can't wait to watch them peform. I'll make sure to take some pics. Here's a family pic we took this summer. Actually this one is my favorite and we were just talking. I had no idea this shot would be taken and I just loved it.

Hi Sandi!!!
Thanks for the award! I have been reading your blog for a few days now and I can't tell you how inspiring your story is! I'm so glad you are sharing it with the world.
I added a link to your site on mine. I hope thats ok.
Also, I don't know if this helps or not, but I had to log into blogger to be able to leave a comment. I know you said you were having trouble with people not being able to leave comments. Anyway, there is a spot in the 'settings' tab in blogger where you have to check off 'anyone' can comment or else only other blogger users can. Click 'settings' then 'comments' then look for 'who can comment' and make sure anyone is checked. When I first signed up, it had it set for only blogger users. I hope that helps.
you are welcome :) And the whole comment thing was crazy. There was no link to even try and comment. I don't know why you had to log in though because I just checked and it's set so anyone can comment even anonymous users. I think blogger must have issues. I don't ever even go to the comment page unless I am fixing something. I am glad my blog can inspire. I definitely hope that it can.
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