Friday, October 17, 2008

Caution: I Might Get a Big Head

Just kidding. I am a member of a wonderful site called Moms Helping Moms. The owner asked for suggestions for other good mom related sites and I suggested my favorite site Moms at Heart. I have been an admin there for some time. It has went through some changes. It was called Precious Infants when it started. As our babies got older, we changed it to Friendly Faces. Since the activity level dropped we gave it a whole new face lift and now it is called Moms at Heart. I have some dear friends there. I think you would all love it, so check it out if you get the chance. At the time I suggested it she also asked if you would like to be considered for blogs in the spotlight you could send in a suggestion. I did with the other suggestion hoping but not really expecting anything. There are many other wonderful blogs I read every single day! I just browsed the front page though, and there I am! Wow I am just so thrilled and happy that my blog is getting a lot of attention. Please go, scroll down and you can see where my blog is listed on the main page. It's a wonderful site too. I highly suggest these sites if any other moms out there would like to promote their own blog.

Moms Helping Moms

Also, I mentioned in a previous post that I was having trouble with dry hair. I just decided to go into the salon and ask. Well the thinness she does believe (and of course I know) is chemo related. She says that post chemo hair is so fragile that the normal things we do such as blow drying, straightening and coloring are extra harsh. My hair is super dry. So I bought some new products. I will post them soon and also let you all know how they help! I definitely would like to be able to review products like this so in the future if someone is going through the same hair troubles as me, post chemotherapy, I can suggest something that I know will help them.


  1. I love your blog and your story. You're totally someone I will visit again soon to read up on.

  2. Thanks for introducing me to a wonderful new site. Moms Helping Moms looks great!

    And thanks for commenting on my Personalized Name Sign on my blog!


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