Friday, May 30, 2008

All my girls!


  1. They are all so beautiful!! Aww, Don't ever cut Angelina's beautiful hair- it is too pretty! LOL

  2. What a beautiful family you have! God has blessed you. May you continue to have good health.

  3. Hi from Australia.
    Searching for some more information I came upon your blog.
    Our daughter was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma and a few days later her first pregnancy was confirmed. As you would be well aware the first couple of months were harrowing.
    She is now 26 weeks and has chemo no 4 this week and is now on 3 weekly baby scans. Her chemo didn't start till nearly 20 weeks. It is good to be able to read what has happened for you. Her hair is starting to thin and she has a wig too if she needs it. You must be finished your radio treatment by now. I hope you are continuing to be in good health and enjoying the latest cute member of the family. Thankyou for sharing this with others.


  4. Hi Lyn! I am always glad when my blog can help someone going through the same thing I did. It was a hard and difficult time. I feel for your daughter. I know what she is going through. She'll make it through. Tell her not to fear. My baby girl is 7 months old now! She's doing great. The only trouble I had was chemo caused me to have some uterine contractions. They never were bad until around 30 weeks but they were able to be stopped at the hospital. I was so scared through it all but I am in remission now. I finished radiation in January and get my second follow up on July 9th. I always get nerous but I feel great. My baby is the happiest baby I have had so far! If your daughter would like someone to talk to, please have her e-mail me. My address is I would love to give her any words of encouragement I can. Also check out It helped me a lot as well. My prayers are with your daughter and baby. I didn't lose all my hair! It thinned a lot but I think the pregnancy hormones helped me hold on to it. I hope the same happens for your daughter. Thanks for stopping by my blog.


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